It all started with a rockpool…

Barefoot, sun shining, I throw off my sarong, stretch my hands towards the sun and stare out to sea. Sun on my body, wind in my hair…perfect blue sky, I make my way weaving through the shells and rockpools to the ocean. The water is warm yet refreshing as I stand there a while, waves lapping against my body.

I look back at the shore to see Frank eagerly foraging for shells. We had found some the day before like none other we have seen before. Unusual shapes, cones, huge snail type shells, some almost prehistoric looking, teeny tiny ones, with the most ornate patterns. Earlier that day we saw a man walking back from the rock cliffs with a shell the size of his hand! Frank was determined to find one of these also – there just has to be another!! I watch him, all consumed, reaching down to make a discovery then studying it in his hand. Over and over, with child like eyes of enthusiasm.

Tide out, the water now gently lapping at my feet, I wander over to admire the rockpools and under water formations that are now exposed on the sand. It’s like a whole other world. Kelp and sea plants, pinks, greens, burgundy colours, firmly planted in the sand, an abundance of snails bunkered down for low tide. I spot a little colourful starfish, hiding from the sun. The tiniest of crabs, translucent green, playing dead as this looming ‘predator’ squats down to take a closer look.

I move onto a larger rockpool. Little black and white striped fish scoot about to find a place to hide. Larger fish laze about in the warm waters as I spot some tiny black rockpool floor dwellers, that almost look like a mini salamander! As I sit really still, I can see the colourful snails slowly making their way around the rocks. The closer I look, the more I see. A whole underwater world, as I am completely absorbed.

I stand up again, stretch and take a few deep breaths. My senses are alive. I glide from rock to rock, my barefeet gripping the contours, arms out wide for balance. I have a birds eye view of the rockpools. I spot a huge crab the size of my hand, as he scurries out of view. Moving onto the larger rocks towards the cliffs, where the sand isn’t sand but rather broken up shells. I begin to forage, thankful of my yoga, which allows me to balance in all kinds of precarious positions as I reach down hand or foot, in search of that elusive hand sized shell! Eyes flittering in search, I find a smaller untouched, rockpool all the way up here which is a little honey pot of full shells! The most beautiful colours and shapes. I collect the best so I can show Frank on my return. Back up onto the rocks, one hand full, one eye on the now approaching tide. I channel the big shell in my mind,  as I continue to weave my way around, exploring, almost dancing on the rocks. My eye sees a shiny, glistening brown and white edge of what looks like “that shell” between 2 huge black rocks. Could it be? I make my way over and perch myself on the steep angle of one side of a rock so I can get a better view. Toes gripping the edge I can just crane my head enough to see it. Oh my goodness, it is one of them! Though very much jammed between 2 rocks with sand and shells covering a large portion of it. Hurried and full of excitement I look up to first check the tide, then to see if anyone else has spotted me. No one’s taking this prize from me!!

One hand full of shells already, I dig around with my left hand to try and free the shell. It’s no good. It is so wedged in and the rocks are huge. Nooooo. I glance up to see if I can call Frank over. He’s nowhere in sight, plus, I want to present this little beauty to him myself! I continue digging. The water is now slowly making it’s way through the rockpools, around the larger rocks and almost up to me. Nooooo!! Oh wait, I spot an old washed up bone (yuck!) but, the perfect digging tool! I dig a channel so the water can help me wash away some of the sand and shells that are cementing the shell in. I am patient, waiting as the water comes in and goes out with each small wave. Glancing up with my watchful eye to make sure I am safe, I continue on. At this point, I can’t even tell if the shell is whole. I feel like it’s worth the effort so keep going. Finally, the shell is free! I wash it off and oh wow, the most gorgeous, intact shell the size of my palm! I feel a sense of achievement for getting it free and an overwhelming excitement to present my prize! Right hand full of smaller shells, I stuff the larger shell down the back of my bikini bottoms (thankful of my full derriere which adequately holds it in place!) as I use my left hand for balance, this time hopping from rock to rock as I make my way careful back from the cliff edge, around the corner and back to the beach.

I spot Frank, who is still happily foraging. Silly grin on my face, I first ask him how he’s going, and look at some of his treasures. I show him the smaller shells I have found, one by one, we admire them and giggle at my silly voice “Ohh sooo pretti pretti”. Then, I reach around and dislodge the giant shell from my butt cheeks. “Close your eyes and hold out your hands”….Meanwhile who know what poor Frank thinks I am going to present him with!). “Open your eyes!!”   WOWWWWWW!!!!! His eyes are huge “I can’t believe you found one!” We relish our treasures, look at the incoming ocean and decide it’s time to head home.

An afternoon well spent, and, it all started with a rockpool.

JT xo

One thought on “It all started with a rockpool…”

  1. David Thompson
     ·  Reply

    What a great piece of descriptive writing…..just makes us want to go find a rockpool! Dirk & Almut

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