Kalorama, Victoria
Today we awoke to the sounds of Kookaburras, King Parrots and Cockatoos as we opened the van door to a stunning view down the mountain over Silvan Reservoir….and some really hot sun streaming into the van!
After some breakfast, coffee and a relatively lazy day, we set off for a walk along the winding roads to Kalorama Park, where we stumbled across an ENORMOUS spider, exactly the same as the one which attached itself to the side of my face the night before, after I walked through it’s web in the dark on my way to van!!! I hissy fitted to say the least and literally dropped Wolly who I was carrying up the steep hill to avoid her chasing rabbits off into the pitch black wilderness! Frank decided to say hello to the spider today and literally tapped it on the back as if to say “helloooo”!!!
More exploring at the park, the most stunning views over the reservoir and a creepy little “hole” in the edge of what looked like a spooky woods from a movie!! Even Wolly looked sheepish as we approached to explore. Through the rabbit hole, into the woods (which were as eery as we anticipated) and then onto the most beautiful fern filled rainforest. So peaceful, quiet and serene….
Not set for a longer a walk or exploration, we headed back for cider o’clock and bbq!
That is a nice part of Victoria, I love the forest.